Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring Plantings

We worked in the flower beds today. Kevin actually did most of the work. I wish I could help him more. He's such a great guy!! I'm so lucky to have a man like that. :) The boys helped too. They enjoyed picking up leaves, sticks & old mulch out of the flower beds. They especially loved taking the old stuff to the dumpster. We would fill up the big trash can & roll it on the dolly to the dumpster. Then Kevin would dump it in. We made about 6 trips to the dumpster. Then when we got it all cleaned out it was lunch time & nap time for the boys. After they went to sleep, Kevin & I went out & planted the new plants. We planted lavender in shades of Pink, Purple & White. I can't wait until it comes up. I'm so excited. I will be posting photos as it comes up & blooms. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Buns

Resurrection Buns
1 Can Refrigerated Biscuits (larger ones work best)
8 Large Marshmallows
Soft Butter/Margarine
Cinnamon & Sugar Mixture

How to Do It:
1. Give the children a biscuit straight from the can and let them flatten it out with their hands until it measures about 5 inches across.  This represents the tomb.

2. Let the children spread butter on the flattened biscuit.  Then  sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture on the flattened biscuit, explaining how Jesus gave us the sweetest gift ever known.

3. Give the children one large marshmallow and tell them it represents Jesus. It's white because Jesus was holy and sinless. Have them place one marshmallow in the center of their biscuit, then fold the sides of the biscuit around the marshmallow, forming a "tomb."  Explain that they placed Jesus in the tomb and sealed it shut.

4. Pinch the sides of the tombs closed and place the folded side down on a baking sheet so they won't open during baking.

5. Put a little more butter, sugar, and cinnamon on the outside of each biscuit. Explain this represents the anointing of Jesus' body.

6. Bake the buns according to the biscuit packaging directions. Allow to cool.

7. When the buns are eaten, the children will be surprised to discover the marshmallow has disappeared from the center. 

He is risen! He is risen indeed!
