Monday, January 28, 2013

January 2013

Happy New Years! It's been a while since I've Blogged. So I'm a little rusty. Let me back up to before Christmas. The boys started Kindergarden in September. They love it & are doing so well. I can't believe they are already in public school. We have them both in separate classes. They turned 6 in December. It doesn't seem possible. WOW!!
In October we adopted a little black pug. He was found wondering the country near Wilson. My grandparents friends found him living in a field behind their house. It is believed that someone dumped him off out in the middle of no where & he found his way to the field behind their farm. He would come up to their house for food then go back to the field. They finally got him to stay at their house. They knew we had lost Shad 2 years ago & loved pugs so they asked if we wanted him. We of course said yes. The next day I took him to the vet. They did a complete physical & did blood work. Turns out that he had both Tick Fever & Heart Worms. He also had an eye injury. So for the first 45 days I shoved pills down his throat & after about $600 he is completely healthy. His name is Pugsley. He is the smartest little dog. He will beg for a treat by standing on his back legs. He's so cute. At first he was a little skittish of us. We believe he had been abused. He would hide from the lease little noise. He would hide from things for the first month. He finally got used to us & knew we loved him. He is a great little dog. The vet thinks he's about 6 or 7.
Back in October & November I started getting colds a lot. Seemed like I was in the dr a lot. The end of November I got a head ache that wouldn't go away. I've also been having more problems with my back & I have no energy & sleep most of the time. In fact I had been taking the boys to school at 7:40 & then coming home to napping until time to get them. This is odd for me. So back to the dr I went. "Hey your behind on your CBC, lets get that done on you today. Then we will send you to get a MRI" they say. Ok, so off I go to get poked for blood. The next day they call back with the blood report. Turns out I'm highly anemic. Very low on white blood cells, my iron & red blood cells are also low. They want to send to see a hematologist. My appointment for the MRI was the next week. The test came back on that saying that I have several degenerative disks, I have scoliosis, as well as I have arthritis all up & down my spine. I went to see the hematologist the week before Christmas & I have an appointment for the pain specialist on January 31st. The hematologist confirmed my anemia. I'm getting sick a lot because my white blood cells are low. I'm so tired & have no energy because I'm iron deficient. The reason I am this way has to do with my cycles being so heavy with lots of blood clots, & frequent. The hematologist recommended that I either have a hysterectomy or have something done to prevent my cycle. The next step was to get in to see my OB/GYN. In the mean time take 3 iron pills a day. So I made an appointment with my OB/GYN. However I can't see her till the 4th of February. I'm anxious to see what she has to say. The iron pills are starting to help, however they bother me. I burp constantly. Its horrible. I also have constipation. It all drives me nuts.
Anyway, back to the new year. The year started off with a bunch of Sicklies. We all had the crud that was graciously given to us at Christmas by our loving relatives. Kevin had to leave on the 2nd to go to Orlando FL for a meeting. He came home that Saturday & left again on Sunday. That Sunday he had to go to Dallas for more meetings. He got home that Friday. We all got over our colds & stuff. The boys went back to school on the 9th. They have been doing so well in school. Austin is the Student of the Month this month. Last week both boys got to be Star of the week for their classes. I can't believe January is almost over. My birthday is a week from tomorrow. I will be 39. YIKES!! My last year as a 30 something. To celebrate my birthday I'm having a massage. I couldn't get one on my birthday so I'm having it on the 7th. I'm looking forward to it. On the 11th Landon is having tubes put in his ears. I take him to pre-opp on the 6th. Then in April our ear dr is retiring. Just when I get a good dr, he retires. So I will be looking for a new one soon.

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